Judge Schiano is the current Town of Clay Judge. Judge Schiano has more than a decade as a litigator in New York State and Federal Courts. He had the honor of serving our community as an Assistant District Attorney for the first half of his career. He was charged with a simple but profound task; to do justice. To always do the right thing, no matter the consequence or perception. He prosecuted some of the most high-profile cases in Onondaga County. He handled thousands of criminal matters, from petit offenses to attempted murder cases. After leaving the District Attorney’s Office, Judge Schiano entered the private sector and devoted most of his practice to protecting the rights of everyday people accused of criminal conduct. His expertise and professionalism have made him one of the most prominent defense lawyers in the region.
In 2020, he was elected Town of Clay Judge. Judge Schiano’s knowledge of the law and steady terperament have made him one of the most respected judges in the County. In fact, in his first year on the bench, Judge Schiano was elected President of the Onondaga County Magistrates Association by his fellow Judges.
Judge Schiano was born and raised in Liverpool, and never left. He attended Christian Brothers Academy, Binghamton University and Syracuse University College of Law. Nothing is more important to Judge Schiano than family. He is married to his wife Katie and they have three beautiful children; Dominic, Daniella and Analise. He spends most of his free time on the baseball field and wrestling room with his children.